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Reading through the comments section on TikTok yesterday and came across a conversation about how one commenter mentions they should be grateful they don’t have a worse disability. It’s why they don’t talk more about what they have. And that comment made me sad. As humans, we share suffering. At some point in our lives, […]

different types of medals on shapes

This Ain’t No Pain Olympics

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Did you know it’s normal to carry two very conflicting emotions at once? Sure is. But we’ve done ourselves a vast disservice about talking about emotion in the context of adversity and life change as a single emotion subject. Someone dies: you feel only sadness. Finding out a friend is pregnant: only joy. Life with […]

Dozen picture of the same women with different emtions on her face

Conflicting Emotions Are Normal

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Ending infertility treatments without a baby isn’t a worse life, it’s just a different life. As my husband and I started our second egg retrieval process, we knew we were running out of options and energy to continue with our fertility treatments. We started having more and more conversations about what if. What if none […]

Casey and her husband holding their two dogs. A doxie and a lab.

Not Better or Worse. Just Different.