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A whole new way to approach your day

Create a flexible, neurodivergent-friendly daily routine you can stick to, without getting derailed by life's challenges, and finally experience everyday ease and fulfillment.

Let's Talk About Who This Is For...

This call is for people like you — late-embracing neurodivergent adults who are tired of struggling to find a daily rhythm that truly works for them.

The Routine Juggler

You find it challenging to create and stick to routines that match your mood and energy. Your days are filled with frustration and overwhelm due to rigid or unsuitable schedules that don’t fit your needs.

The Energy Struggler

You have difficulty managing inconsistent energy levels throughout the day. This looks like struggling to maintain productivity during energy slumps and feeling drained at crucial moments.

The Time-Blind Go-Getter

You have difficulty with time management and awareness, leading to frequent missed deadlines and appointments. You're perpetually feeling rushed and out of sync, struggling to gauge how long tasks will actually take.

The Burnout Cycler

You frequently experience periods of burnout due to neglecting self-care and pushing through without rest. You struggle to find time for meaningful self-care practices that fit into your daily lives, leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

If any of these sound familiar - you're in the right place! 

Join me for a 90 minute 1:1 Everyday Ease Strategy Session.


By the end of our 90 minute call you'll:


Identify Energy Patterns

Gain a clear understanding of your daily energy highs and lows. You'll know exactly when you’re most productive and when to schedule restorative activities.


Create Mood-Matched Routines

Develop personalized routines that align with your energy and mood. These flexible routines will help you navigate your day with ease and effectiveness.


Build a Self-Care Menu

Craft a tailored self-care menu that suits your needs. This menu will provide you with quick and effective self-care practices to maintain your well-being.


Find Time Management Tools

Discover practical tools to manage time blindness. You'll learn techniques to stay on track, meet deadlines, and reduce feelings of being rushed.


Create Transition Strategies

Learn strategies to improve transitions between tasks and activities. These techniques will help you move smoothly through your day, reducing stress and increasing productivity.


Equip Yourself with a Toolbox

Be armed with a comprehensive toolbox and the confidence to help you stick with these strategies long after our call.

and above all...

Find Daily Ease

Experience a daily life that feels manageable, aligned with your natural rhythms, and filled with ease and confidence. You'll leave our call empowered to maintain and adapt these strategies for lasting well-being and productivity.

Client Love

I promise it's not just "have you tried a planner" energy.

It's real and helpful tips, tools, strategies, and mental shifts that are invaluable.

This.Is.Amazing. Thank you SOOO much!! 


I feel like you just distilled down and gave me everything I was looking for in [expensive course], in this one conversation & document. Amazing. I'm excited to get started implementing all these changes. Thank you!!

Accountability is magic when working towards a goal;

Casey brings experience, compassion, empathy, humor, and just the right amount of pep talk.

Here's How It Works:

This is a 90-minute Zoom call designed to transform your daily life.

Together, we will work through my E.A.S.E. Method, a step-by-step framework to help you identify energy patterns, create mood-matched routines, build a self-care menu, and enhance transition strategies. 

E.A.S.E Method Overview

Step 1

Evaluate Energy

  • Understand your daily energy patterns and influences.

Step 2

Adapt Routines

  • Align tasks and routines with your energy and mood.

Step 3

Self-Care System

  • Integrate and update self-care practices that feel good to you.

Step 4

Enhance Transition

  • Implement tools and techniques for better time management and task transitions.


Bonus #1

Two Weeks of Priority Support

You'll have a direct line to me after the call to give you time to live with your news strategies and address any challenges that might arise.

Bonus #2

Sensory Relief Roadmap

Get a clear picture of your sensory triggers and soothers. Create a game plan to avoid sensory overload and have a solutions ready to go for when things do get to be too much.

Bonus #3

Get Out of Shit You Don’t Want to Do Cheat Sheet

A practical cheat sheet with strategies to gracefully decline or delegate tasks you’d rather avoid.

Bonus #4

Setting Realistic Expectations

Cheat Sheet

A guide to help you set and maintain realistic expectations for yourself, ensuring sustainable progress and self-compassion.


Introductory Price - $95!


I have answers!

What are "Mood Matched" Routines?

This is my tested strategy for creating routines in a way that can ebb and flow with your energy, focus, or daily demands. Rigid routines rarely work for many of us. Instead we'll create a combo of routines that sets us up for success regardless how are day is going.

How customizable are the mood-matched routines?

Extremely customizable! We will tailor routines specifically to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. You’ll learn how to adjust them as your circumstances change.

Will I be able to maintain these strategies on my own?

Absolutely! You'll leave the call with a comprehensive toolbox and actionable steps that make it easy to integrate these strategies into your daily life. Plus, you'll have the confidence to adapt and evolve them over time.

What if I still struggle with time management and transitions?

We’ll explore practical tools and techniques specifically designed to help with time blindness and smooth transitions. These methods are easy to implement and will significantly improve your time management skills.

You'll also have priority access to me for 14 business days after our call so we can make adjustments as you put your new tools into action.

heya, I'm Casey

Nice to meet you!

I am a life strategist and change coach. I am obsessed with helping millennial women who are navigating unexpected life changes, rebuild their life with daring intention.

Coaching is foundational to who I am. Including level, two CrossFit coach, precision, nutrition, coach, and now life coach. I have combined my 10 years of coaching into the work. I do now to help you build a life you're excited to live.

Change is inevitable.

If you have the courage to tackle it head on, it can also be wildly fulfilling.

Navigate uncertainty. Empower growth. Live a fulfilling life.

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